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Salvatore Cortese
Born in New York
83 years
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Daddy, you were a beautifull person, there's no one on this earth to compare to you, you were my hero.  I miss you everyday, and I know that some day we will be together agin.  I thank God every day we spent together.  I love you with all my heart.  Take care of Coco, Gigi, and Sam, they are with you now and I know they are happy and safe.  
My Dad was a quiet, stoic man, he was brave, and I was proud to have him as my dad, and proud to be his daughter 
Rosalie Jasolosky
This is a picture of my Dad, in his apartment in Bayonne NJ, he always looked great
when he dressed up in a suit.  He was loved and admired by all that came in contact for his honesty and compassion. 

Your Family and Friends love and miss you, sleep in peace with your Dad and Mom
and all our Family that I know is with you.

I will love you and miss you until we see each other again.

Love  Rosalie            
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